I often read about different opinions about shop floors.One common no no is a concrete floor.Of the various alternatives I have used and examined,I discovered the ideal solution at Home Depot.They sell a 24×24 tung and groove product that has a stiff foam core bottom and a press board surface.Not necessary ,but I use a single tap con screw in each panel .The material is thick enough that you can sneak an electrical pipe in a groove cut in or on the edge of the material.A few coats of poly floor finish with a bit of sand sprinkled on top to prevent slipping and you have an insulated slip resistant floor.Much quicker than 1×3 sleepers and plywood
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Sounds like you are talking about DriCore. I put it in my shop (dedicated 24x30 building with concrete base). It has been down nine years now and has performed well with no wear issues. It is soft on the knees and the inevitable tool drop. I has also held up well under the main tools including a 700 lb PW lathe. The tung and groove edges were treated with a type of contact adhesive. I just tapped them together and they have not moved. Ran wall to wall with no attachments. I also finished with floor poly including an anti-slip additive in the final coat. Great shop floor choice.
This would be regional. In sunny SoCal a concrete floor is just great. A few inexpensive floor pads in areas where one stands for longer than others and all is good. Now if it snowed or rained . . . probably would feel different.
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