Form-fitting outdoor chair #309-MAR/APR 2024 Issue: DIMENSIONS!

This chair looks great:
and I want to make it, but no dimensions were given for the siderails/frames.
I could eyeball it and guess based on the back slats in the illustrations, but I have no confidence in that and it’s somewhat critical to get it right because on how the chair works.
Has anyone made this puppy? The article was written by Asa Christiana. Anyone know how I can reach him?
Page 31 has the dimensions of side frames, and page 32 has the seat and back profiles. What else do you need?
What else I need are your eyes!
I've made the profiles for seat & back, found those. The page you refer to shows the frames, but give no dimensions that I can see, at least in the web pages of this article.
Could you share the dimensions of the side frames that you see? Either that or lend me your eyes (mine ARE kind of old). :-)
Thanks - Richard
If you just read the article on the web site it doesn't give measurements but if you open the magazine and go to the pages mentioned, it does.
Good catch phantomtrapper. Hereis a pic of the dimensions:
I lost the magazine pages in vacation.
Okay, I modelled it in SketchUp base on my old eyes. The only thing that was slightly off was the hole for the top of the back slat. I wouldn't drill any holes without testing on a mock up, anyway. That was minor. Good job, Asa.
Nicely done, I’m impressed! You’re much more thorough than I.
I can’t read the numbers though, any chance you could post a higher res. Image or images?