I am looking into getting a nice forstner bit set. Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions as to what brands are the best quality. Always an investment. Thanks for any help.
I am looking into getting a nice forstner bit set. Does anyone have any suggestions or opinions as to what brands are the best quality. Always an investment. Thanks for any help.
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Hard to go wrong with those sold by Lee Valley.
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Gil Bailie
I will second the bits from lee valley I have their HSS forstner bits and have been very happy.
a simple basic set can be had from Grizzly.. I have used the heck out of my set boring hundreds of holes in white oak and other hardwoods and they remain sharp..
Much much cheaper than other sets.. Plus if you buy the whole set they come in a neat box.
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