I am building my own Walnut kitchen cabinets with frame and panel, mission style construction. The rails and stiles are to be 78″ thick. The choices for walnut plywood are 12″, 2 sided or /14″ one sided walnut. I would like the panels to be a little beefier then the 14″, and have Walnut on both sides. However if I use the 12 ply,my tongue and groove frame would only have about 316′ of stock left on either side of the panel for my siles and rails. Would that weaken the doors by having that little of Walnut stock on either side of the groove? I could vaneer the back side of the 14″ ply,but that would be a lot of work and wood on wood Walnut vaneer is expensive. I thought of rabbiting the backs of the doors and glue and brad nail the 1 12″ ply in the frames. Is this a sound type of door construction? Do I have to worry about the ply working it self loose over time, or is there a expansion problem to worry about doing it this way? Any suggestions?…. 38″ ply 2 sided wood would be ideal, but I cannot find it. I DO NOT want resaw Walnut for my entire kitchen.
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http://www.boulterplywood.com if you'd like to explore the 3/8" option
You could spread thinned glue on 1/4" ply and glue up two panels to make a shy 1/2" panel, no problem. Expansion is not a concern as this is ply not solid wood. As such, you should also apply a small amount of glue in the groove to strengthen the panel to the frame.
1/2" ply doesn't allow much of a decorative bead or detail on the door face, if that's what you want. Overall, the strength of the door comes from the stile to rail joint, not the panel to frame joint. But two 1/4 panels are lighter than one 1/2" panel.
Regards, jp
Edited 8/19/2004 9:54 am ET by JACKPLANE
You might want to check more suppliers. I was able to find 3/8" cherry ply (good on both sides), which completely emilinated the same problem you're facing.
lefty ,
You could use the 1/2" ply and set it back a ways instead of centering it in the frame , to leave a bit more reveal on the front side . I would try and find 1/4" two sided material for the panels. 1/2" is a bit of overkill , that adds twice or more weight to each door while not contributing to the strength . IMHO don't use glue in the panel to frame slot , as some movement will take place in the frame, the panel is best when allowed to float .
good luck dusty
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