FREE: Fine Homebuilding Magazines and Carpentry Books
We are getting rid of some Fine Homebuilding magazines and some other carpentry books. If anyone is interested in picking them up in the San Francisco, Bay Area we can coordinate a meet up. The magazines are from October 2007 – March 2020. Free!
Hi Karen, if you don't get any takers you might want to check with the local library fund raising folks. I recently off loaded 20+ years of FWW magazine, since I have a digital membership and the magazines were just collecting dust. The "Friends" of our local library was glad to take them. They then sell them to raise funds for the library.
Thank you so much for the information!
Find a Little Free Library in your area. Seed them sequential over time. Or just dump the set.
I think we may look for a library. Thank you!
I was curious what their general value was based on what’s available on EBay. Roughly $1 per issue, except for the early issues which apparently hold greater value.
Thank you for the information!