I bought a Freud plunge router last year and I am just starting to use it. It is difficult to find an edge guide on common websites like rockler or woodcraft. Are there any generic edge guides? Can you make one??
I bought a Freud plunge router last year and I am just starting to use it. It is difficult to find an edge guide on common websites like rockler or woodcraft. Are there any generic edge guides? Can you make one??
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Doesn't the Freud one fit? http://www.freud-tools.com/freudftedgui.html
A list of available accessories is here:
These can be purchased through any Freud dealer or you can do an internet search for the item number and find many sources.
Freud America, Inc.
What is the proper edge guide for the freud ft2200vsp?
That's the FT2010:
Charles M
Freud America, Inc.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I called two online retailers and they both indicate that the edge guide is on back order with no ship date. Any update? I think the freud truck is coming to a woodworkers club in Norwalk CT later this month, do you think they would have an edge guide??
It looks like they are in short supply right now but if you call Mike in our Parts and Repair dept he can supply you with an FT2010:
(800) 334-4107 ext 1330.
Charles M
Freud America, Inc.
WOW. Just got off the phone with Mike and he is going to make it happen.
Thanks Much
Edge guides for routers are typically only available from the machine's maker since each router model has a different method of mounting the guide.
Shop Manager for FWW Magazine, 1998 to 2007
Relative to the Freud 2010 Router Edge Guide
Freud appears to be out of the router business and hence out of the edge guide accessory business as well. I would not expect any of these to become available unless there are some lying around in stocks somewhere. BUT, it is not so hard to make one that works well. I am new to this forum, so I don't know whether or not I can attach a photo of the one I made which worked very well for me--you can even rout in circles with it if you want to. If you are interested in what I did, a photo and some dimensions and listing of parts, then reply to me on this chain. JCH MEMPHIS TN...
Oh! I see below here that I can. Will fetch cell phone and attach a photo. This edge guide was made with some scrap rock maple, a couple of 7/16"-18 threaded rods, four nuts, four flat washers, 2 fiber lock nuts WITH NF THREADS!
Relative to the Freud 2010 Router Edge Guide
Freud appears to be out of the router business and hence out of the edge guide accessory business as well. I would not expect any of these to become available unless there are some lying around in stocks somewhere. BUT, it is not so hard to make one that works well. I am new to this forum, so I don't know whether or not I can attach a photo of the one I made which worked very well for me--you can even rout in circles with it if you want to. If you are interested in what I did, a photo and some dimensions and listing of parts, then reply to me on this chain. JCH MEMPHIS TN...
Oh! I see below here that I can. Will fetch cell phone and attach a photo. This edge guide was made with some scrap rock maple, a couple of 7/16"-18 threaded rods, four nuts, four flat washers, 2 fiber lock nuts WITH NF THREADS!
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