hey there, i’made a few recent posts about my garage at my new house, thank you for all your replies.
The gas furnace from my house was installed in the garage when a new furnace was installed. The gas furnace now heats the garage and the green house. Any thoughts on this as a fire hazzard?
Most gas furnaces in CA are in the garage and it isn't a problem. In San Jose, gas furnaces and water heaters have to be on a stand at least 18" above the floor so any gas fumes can't be ignited by the pilot lights.
Thanks Dave,
I've really never research putting a home furnace in the garage so thanks. I was worried about it being a small space with dust and lacquer.
Thanks again,
To be installed properly the combustion chamber should be closed and fed by outside air, that way there is no open flame in the shop. The air going thru the heat exchanger does not come into contact with the flame.
If installed properly, no. It didn't burn down your house did it?
"If installed properly, no. It didn't burn down your house did it?"
No not yet! It's really big thought, about 6-8 sq feet of floor space in an already small garage. What's the difference between forced air garage heaters and this furnace?
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