Could anyone who has worked with Indian Rosewood pass on their experiences or advice on glueing up this wood.Also any experiences or advice on finishing would be appreciated.
Could anyone who has worked with Indian Rosewood pass on their experiences or advice on glueing up this wood.Also any experiences or advice on finishing would be appreciated.
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I wipe the gluing surface with acetone and then use regular yellow glue. You can wipe the wood with lacquer thinner prior to finishing and/or seal with shellac and finish with your choice of finish.
PVA glue is just fine, white or yellow. Polyurethane (Gorilla Glue) is also excellent and is my first choice. It doesn't stain or seal the wood and can be completely cleaned off the surface with acetone before it sets up. Afterward, it sands off very cleanly and leaves an invisible glue line.
There is really no need to wipe the jointed surfaces with any solvent. The "secret" is a freshly-prepared joint. Plane or joint the wood as soon before assembly as possible. A few hours makes a difference. Oxidation and oil rising to the surface after that degrades the glue to wood adhesion.
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