what is the best way to cut closed grooves by hand. i have a router plane for cleaning up the bottoms, but it isn’t great for cutting them. Should I invest in a plow plane?tomerutkowski@gmail.com
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Knife / razor the lines with a straightedge then the router plane. Rinse, repeat. Chisel for the ends.
I've used an azebiki saw with a straight edge. The design lets you start a cut in the middle of a board. Then I chisel out the waste and clean up with router plane
I would cut them using the same technique as cutting a mortise. Knife the edge as MJ said, the start chopping. Clean up the bottom with the router plane. Lots of videos on Youtube to show technique. I can't imagine doing the plowing with a router plane, but maybe I just don't know how to set one up and use it properly.
I start in the middle and work towards the ends...takes a while but it works. Keeping the knife on the line is important. If I drift in I'll clamp on a guide block and use a veneer saw to get back on track. It's ok for a groove or 3, more than that I'm breaking out a router.
If you watch Chris Gochnour's Enfield cupboard build, you will see a true master do just this job: https://www.finewoodworking.com/videoworkshop/2018/10/enfield-cupboard-hand-tools-featuring-chris-gochnour
I looked at the plan for the Enfield project... where are the stopped grooves?
An option is to plow plane the groove all the way through on one end and then glue in a stop from matching stock.
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