It’s strange how we all are eager to help others on this site, while admitting we also have , or have had, the same type of problems at one time or another.
We are willing to set time aside to show,’ people how to’, and explain the reasons why.
We are sometimes like children, for when we make a mistake we hide it so no one knows about it, except us…..
We are contented with our work…’till we bask our thumbs with the hammer….
I enjoy the friends who take time to answer my silly questions..that at the time were major disasters but seem so trivial now.
And to each and everone, may God keep you safe,and in good health in the years to come.
I wish each and every one of you a very merry christmas and happy new year.
Mike…from the UK
Dear Mike:
You are most kind with your post. May God keep you and your family safe and healthy in the coming year.
Thanke very much for your very kind and heartfelt words. All I can say is "right back at ya"
Awwww ty so much for those Kind words...and like the other guy said,Right back at ya...
If nothing sticks to Teflon,how does Teflon Stick to metal. Huh
What goes around, come around!
Merry Xmas...
Proud member of the : "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours in the UK from Wisconsin USA. I hope the New Year brings happiness.
Ken K
I enjoyed reading your post about the holidays. They come and go so fast it's hard to take time out and realize what's really important. Merry Christmas to you as well, and have a safe and happy new year.
Vancouver, Washington
P.S. I could use a new biscuit joiner for Christmas if you're looking for gift ideas, Ha Ha.
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