My Grizzley band saw on certain cuts makes a groaning sound like something from the movie Haunting of Hill House; havent quite pinned it down.Thought i heard it from a bandsaw on TV.Wheres it coming from?
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tree ,
Is it a sound from the movie " house on the haunted hill "
or Haunting of the hill house ?
you might want to make sure your drive belt is not slipping or warn or loose , also just for kicks check the pulleys for tight .
regards dusty
My Jet bandsaw, with roller guides, will make groaning sounds if I have the guides too close to the blade. Make sure the back guides are a hair clear of the blade. The side guides need to be a little more clear of the blade. If the side guides are too close, the blade oscilates between the guides once the blade touches either guide, thus making a groaning sound.
I have a 15 yr old Delta 14" BS which does the same thing.... I'm pretty sure the noise comes one of the rubber tires slipping..... since it doesn't seem to bother my work, I haven't bothered further research.
tree ,
After some thought , I have heard the noise also from my band saw and I think it is from the thrust bearing on the top guide usually , when you are cutting the blade is against the bearing , when you stop the bearing may still barely be making contact with the blade and causes it to spin and howl .
I am not sure. BUT I have one thing to look for.
My bandsaw 18 inch had double bearings to guide the blade.. One froze up in August?
Took me awhile to figure out what was wrong....
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