Hearing protection that blocks loud

I prefer earmuff type hearing protection over the foam plugs.
I’ve seen some earmuff type that are designed to just muffle loud noises, but allow conversations and such through.
Anyone have ones they like this that aren’t too expensive? Recomendations?
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. — Walter Percy Chrysler
There are ear plugs made for shooters that block loud noises but allow speech to be heard.
There are a number of earmuffs that shooters use that cancel loud noises and you can still hear people around you talking. The pair I have cost $120 but I have seen others as low as $69. Not sure how well the cheaper ones work but mine work great. Depends on what you consider cheap .
Edited 2/22/2005 5:37 pm ET by davefromAZ
Edited 2/22/2005 5:40 pm ET by davefromAZ
I use both the shooters earplugs and a headset when I'm working with my router, straight headset for the TS.
I just got over a bear of an outer ear infection that was most likely due to dirty ear plugs. I used a set of the 'stethoscope' style plugs and just kind of wiped them off between uses. I stick to a good set of headsets now.
Bose (the audio people) make active headphones which cancel out noise electronically. I've never tried them, but my brother hates to fly and bought a pair to stop the noise and he likes them. Because they have electronics in them, they are not cheap like foam muffs, but they are better.
I was going to ask if anyone has tried this type of ear protection (a radio that also muffles sound).How much are they? Anybody besides Bose make them? And, can you hear normal conversation even when the radio is playing?
I've got a set from Brookstone that cost me $99. At the time I was flying twice a week -- it really made a difference. And yes, you can hear normal conversation, albeit slightly muffled.
These type of headsets have passive and active noise cancellation. The active cancellation is pretty effective, especially on low pitch noises. The basic principle is that a microphone on the headset picks up surrounding noises and generates cancelling wavelengths. Much better for your ear drums.
There are more expensive models and probably better models out there such as the sets made by Bose for $300. I've used them on some international flights when I've been lucky enought to snag first class upgrades. They are very, very nice but I found my set was good enough for me.
The Bose and others that are made for noice cancelling are designed to reduce low frequency noice like aircraft engines. They do electronically cancel higher pitched noice like most machine tools. BTW, there are other earphones that do the same a Bose and are a lot less expensive. Koss and Maxell are a couple. My recommendation is that you find out from a doctor what type of noise reduction you need and then see if there is a manufacturer that makes earmuffs that contain a radio.Howie.........
I own the Bose headphones and use them for travel. I've used them when mowing the lawn and "weed whacking" the are truly great in those situations. Unfortunately, I have the first version and there are lots of wires to contend with (the wires are removable with second version) so I have never tried them in my shop.I'll do an experiment - but I'm not sure I want complete silence in the shop. Hearing a tool helps with safety.Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
Was this what you were looking for??
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Protect your hearing when working in noisy environments. The Worktunesâ„¢ Earmuffs let you tune out the noise while listening to your favorite radio station. You get maximum hearing protection with a volume control limit of 82dB. Use in the workshop, on the jobsite, at the race track or in the yard.
* Lightweight and adjustable
$49.99 -- at harborfreight.com
Lee Valley has the battery powered ear muffs in thier catalog for 30 bucks. Im ordering two sets, one for me one for my partner in crime, but havent got them yet. Can give a report after they arrive. Cant wait to see if they block out nagging noises but can be tuned to still hear (supper time).
Let me know how they do. $30 is certainly affordable. At least for the next month or two I'm going to be spending some time in someone else's workshop (mine is currently non-existant). Whereas in my workshop I could put the muffs on and tune everything out... in a shared workshop, you have conversations and such (go figure).
For now I just move the muff off an ear for talk and then back on for noise... We've tried just talking REALLY LOUD... but then someone else walks in and makes fun of us. ;)
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
"Cant wait to see if they block out nagging noises"I find that the sound of the TS blocks out the nagging noises pretty well.
no sorry they don't block nagging noises
Hey, saddle, did those Lee Valley muffs arrive? How do you like them and how well do they work?
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
Aint got em yet. Havent heard anything from them. May have to call if they dont show up this week. Been way to ###%&*$$^& busy to even think straight. Need despertatly to hear from the back order on 55 gal drums of Jack Daniels that was to be delivered LAST week. Well its chore time talk at ya later.
Among other things, I coordinate the safety program for the office I work in. We do hazardous waste cleanup so there's a fair amount of safety issues to deal with. I have not used the electronic hearing protection but have heard they work much better then more traditional hearing protection (plugs or basic ear muffs). The web site below is a vendor we order from fairly frequently. This will take you directly to the page that has the ear muffs you're referring to. When I've called, I usually can get through to someone that can provide guidance and personal experience with the equipment. You may need to get past the sales staff in order to talk to the technical staff though.
Good luck. Let me know how you make out. I'd be interested in hearing what they say or how you like them when and if you get them.
Get the ear muffs yet? If so, how are they?There are more old drunkards than old doctors. Ben Franklin
Peltor makes the best hearing muffs I have ever used. They are very comfortable.
Those are just regular muffs, aren't they? Not ones that let conversation through?
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
Yes, they are regular muffs. I can generally understand what my son tells me when he is close by. Fortunately, I cannot hear my wife screaming my name from the kitchen, however!!!
I've had my current pair for probably 20 years. I don't remember the brand, but they were firearm muffs. Work the same way. Occasionally they grab a hair though. And there ain't any surplus up there to have the muffs ripping it out! ;)
I'm still waiting to hear back about the $30 Lee Valley ones that let in conversation while blocking loud noises.
The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers. -- Walter Percy Chrysler
I tried the Bose in the shop with the Router (the loudest tool I have).They did a pretty good job and you can hear voices over top the router noise (no I don't hear voices nor do I see dead people :-)...However I wouldn't spend $300 for just the shop. My $12 peltors are fine. But the voices are hard to hear...Mark
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
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