Hello, just checking in from East Texas, longtime interest in woodworking hobby ,sadly sometimes more an armchair(reading) woodworker, than actual projects but enjoyment either way.
Hello, just checking in from East Texas, longtime interest in woodworking hobby ,sadly sometimes more an armchair(reading) woodworker, than actual projects but enjoyment either way.
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Welcome. So you say you can read, huh? You may be overqualified in here.
Seriously, feel free to contribute or ask questions anytime. I think we're all willing to learn or share our learnin' in this forum.
I hope you take no offense, but..."Hook 'em, Horns"
Sounds like you're far enough away from the coast to be OK post-Ike, that's good! Welcome, enjoy. I can ID with the "armchair" syndrome, it's an OK thing if you don't get paralyzed with confusion when you finally get a chance to put tool to stock.
Welcome aboard! You'll have fun here, learn a thing or two and occassionally tick somebody off. I hope you stick around, this really is a great forum.
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