Help ID Crown Molding wood type / name trying to match it

Trying to to find a match for this crown molding looks like its made in two pieces, not sure how old it is but there are no imprint on the back or staple holes on the ends from tags to make me think it was sold individually somewhere. Figured if I could match the wood and found what the type / style is i could locate something suitable, took awhile to find these pieces which match the crown molding in my cabin that was built in 1955 by my grandfather. Knocking down a wall to open up two separate rooms to open it up and this is the molding that i want to continue from the main room. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Looks like red oak. To start, cut a thin piece and scan it. Add careful measurements to the scan and you'll have what you need to go hunting. Custom is pricey, but there are shops where all they do is moldings. Woodweave in Maspeth NY is one.
Here's a link to a library for an outfit in Baltimore:
Finding something close and putting the transitions in dark corners is the middle ground.
Try Keim Lumber in Charm Ohio. Looks like a standard profile with beading rope added.