help identifying construction technique

Hello, I would appreciate help determining how this built in was constructed. ie: solid wood…veneered ply… or a mix such as veneered ply back and sides with solid wood top and face frames. Thanks in advance for your help!
Looks to me like a solid wood face frame on a veneered or plywood case. The shelves look to be edge banded as well, probably iron on banding. Nice looking job though.
Thanks for the info...Would ye say the top is solid wood?
Definitely a plywood box, the grain on the inside of the verticals and the rotary veneer of the back dead giveaways. Can't really see the top well enough, that one photo of the inside is kinda mushy, but I'd bet it's the same material, maybe a double layer. A photo from above and behind would tell the tale.
Doing the math on 4x8 sheet goods as the length & width of the built-in would lay out should tell the tale also.
It's highly unlikely that the top is solid. To be sure look at the grain on top and bottom of the top board. If they match closely it's probable it's solid. There wouldn't be any advantage to making it out of solid wood though. You would need to accommodate wood movement in a case where the other pieces aren't going to move. With a face frame the wood movement of the top would need to be directed to the back or it would push the face frame forward.
My 2¢ says it's a plywood back with solid wood shelves and top, I feel I can see enough grain continuity on the edges to feel the horizontal pieces are solid wood. I do wonder why they didn't use solid wood sides panels but they are obviously face framed so most likely plywood.
Can't tell for sure, but clearly whoever built this had good capability with plywood. The back is definitely ply.
Given that, why would you build the rest of it out of solid wood? These will be built to a price point and for convenience and cost it's hard to beat ply. The face frame suggests plywood is most likely for all of it.
If you intend a stain or restore job, then it is probably best to assume it is plywood. If you need to be sure, then a judicious hole drilled in the underside of the top near the back will tell you for certain.
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