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Does anyone know what type of joiner(?) this is?
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Is this a quiz? Is there a prize? I'll take a stab,---- A Pryor?
Haha! Not a quiz. Saw this at restoration hardware and am a newbie and didn’t know how they connected and built their furniture.
Those look like threaded inserts commonly available from many sources.
Saw this at restoration hardware and I did see threads - how does it connnect and hold the boards together?
I would have to know the context of their use. Anything that can be bolted into place could be attached from legs, to other panels the list is endless. If two panels are being attached I would expect to see some type of metal angle with bolts into both panels but that is not the only possibility, wood cleats could be used as well.
Esch, you win ! OK, I see what what I'm looking at. You bolt something to those. I've used them but they aren't the better way. I wouldn't use that type for something that was meant to last unless it was something pretty light weight. They're available at the Ace and your maybe trying to invent a jig or something and that's what's there.
Had a cheap table way back that had hollow legs held on with all thread. The rod threaded into one of those fittings and the leg dropped on and was secured by a plastic cap with a threaded insert inside. It worked pretty well.
I think a chromed version is used in the ceiling over free-standing tubs to hold up the shower curtain bar.
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