I just bought a new scanner, I was wondering how I might go about scanning some photos of my work and putting them in “The Gallery” on here..
If anyone can let me know it would be greatly Appriciated!
-Thanks All-
– Mark
I just bought a new scanner, I was wondering how I might go about scanning some photos of my work and putting them in “The Gallery” on here..
If anyone can let me know it would be greatly Appriciated!
-Thanks All-
– Mark
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You need to say what kind of photos. I assume you will have color prints.
If you have a digital camera (no film) you do not need a scanner.
To use a flat bed scanner (most common).
Out of the box, read the "read me first" and "quick install guide" - 2 or 3 pages.
Normally, you first install the software that comes with the scanner. Pop it in the computer's CD slot and it will start to play. Select "simple installation". Let it finish.
Turn of computer (using mouse and menus).
Now connect the scanner to the USB port with the scanner's cable. Plug in the scanner to 115 V.
Turn on the computer.
On the desktop, click Start, then look for scanner name and select it.
Put a photo on the scanner bed. Just use the default settings and click "scan".
Later you can get fancy.
Thanks Covey Road, ILL give it a try.
One of things that bares being paid attention is the file size of the photos you post. Not knowing which scanner you have, I'm no help with specifics, but your file size for each picture should be no more than 100 Kb, and preferably less than 75 or so. Larger file sizes take longer for the viewers (us Knotheads) to download.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
to continue our lady of the forests thought - so if your file says 525Kb, go get irfanview. Its free, just download it. You can scale to a specified size or a percentage of the original. Almost idiot proof.
"The child is grown / The dream is gone / And I have become / Comfortably numb " lyrics by Roger Waters
Although I use Paint Shop Pro at home, I downloaded InfranView for my work computer (which saved me some $$$, as the old PPPro doesn't work with WinXP!). It is an impressive program. NOTE, though, when looking at the image information, your "file size" is equal to their "disc memory" or something to that affect. They have another number "current memory" that is way larger, and indicates the amount of memory used for the image when it's open to editing in IV.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
FG, what version of PSP do you have? I have version 5 and successfully migrated it to XP.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
Hi Norm, I have version 5 also. Good to hear that it can be installed and work properly -- I kinda wondered if that might not be the case, even though Jasc won't guarantee it.
I've used the InfranView free program a little bit, and am really impressed with it for basic editing and conversion stuff, so will keep using that on the XP computer, which is an eMachine and has pretty limited resources. InfranView actually comes with a batch conversion feature built in which is great. I bought Jasc Image Robot real cheap at a used computer store awhile back, and it does editing tasks in batch fashion. Handy for re-sizing a bunch of pics, or sharpening or whatever needs to be done across the board.
When I add some RAM to the XP machine, if it really helps performance I might try PPPro on their. But with shared video memory, it could be a stretch. My old 255mghz, Win95 machine is noticeably faster!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
You're probably aware of this, but just in case--PSP 5 can also do batch conversions.
File --> Batch Conversions
Like most things, Windows XP is better in some ways and worse in some ways. It certainly doesn't work well unless you have sufficient memory to run it on.
Good luck.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
Norm, it looks like the Batch Conversion function is for converting from one file type to another. The Jasc Image Robot enables the user to conduct one or a series of editing functions on a list of selected images. For instance, images from my Visioneer scanner always (always!) need to be sharpened 1 step before they look good. Let's say I scan 20 sportscards to sell in an internet auction. I can resize, sharpen one step, and (if I wanted to) add a border to all 20 of them by simply selecting the 20 files and telling Image Robot to apply that 3-step script to all 20 images. Cool, huh?! Takes it from 60 individual actions to just a few. The program runs about $50 new. I picked it up used for $7, and smiled all the way home!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I see what you mean. You're right, can't do that with PSP.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
I've owned PSP 7 since it first came out (after using numerous earlier versions since the original). I use it for far (far!) more than just photo editing and like it (a lot!) I'd love to get the new version 8, but am not sure than my old PII 350 will handle it. PSP 8 is completely re-written from scratch and has "goodies" in it that "just won't quit".
Steve, as long as you have enough RAM and Windows 98 or above, your PII should handle PS8 just fine, no worries. Their minimum RAM is 128. If you have 256, you'll have less of a chance of freezing up during operations such as merging layers. Go for it!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
The real trick seems to be getting the photo to upload to your post. The attach file feature has not worked for me. Are there any secrets to doing that.
Well, at least you found the "Attach Files" button! They don't make it real easy to tell when the upload is finished -- be sure you wait long enough for it to complete. How big is the file you're trying to upload (number of kilobytes)?forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
10.3 mb. that maybe the problem, I didn't realize its size until I checked for your question. I will have to get its size down in order for it to load.
I got this picture under three mb so will try again. It will be posted under the topic king size bed plans.
Shrinking that picture was a chore. I tried several programs and had the greatest success using Microsoft photo editior. I can tell I need to pay more attention to the size of the photo and think more in kb and not mb's. Thanks for your help.
Hope this isn't too off topic, but since the issue of PSP has arisen, I wonder if you or anyone else here knows of a program that will allow me to change shapes by pulling on various handles. I know that PSP5 has a "distortion tool" but that's not what I mean. I want something with multiple handles around the sides of shapes that lets me pull on one handle and change the shape of curves. For example, start out with a fat elipse, and pull the sides in to form a dimple in the sides. I know I've seen programs that do it but can't recall where. I want the program to draw up some curved shapes to use in designing some tabletop contours.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
My CAD program, TurboCAD. does axactly what you describe, and I imagine other CAD programs do as well.
In TurboCAD, the function is call Edit Nodes. You can draw a regular curve, such as ellipse, and position nodes wherever and in whatever number you want. Or you can freefand curves by specifying nodes and have the program fit a curve by splines through those nodes. Then you can move individual nodes and the curve changes to fit smoothly to the new set of nodes. Several curve fitting methods are available.
The company offers a free 2D program which is a generation or two behind the current version. But for only the purpose you describe, it should fit the bill.
Thanks, Don. I was afraid (?) that I would have to go to a CAD program--which is to say, I bought an inexpensive CAD program a couple of years ago but never could figure out how to use it. Guess I'll have to dig it out again.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
...I was afraid (?) that I would have to go to a CAD program...
Yeah, they are a pain to learn. For the problem you described, you're better off just sketching it out. Put it on a grid to make it easier to be symmetrical.
One-time offer: If you have a well defined single problem, I'll be glad to try it in CAD.
I deeply appreciate the offer, but won't trouble you. My problem isn't that well-defined yet, and there's likely gonna be more than one.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
It sounds as if you're wanting to use PSP's VECTOR tools rather than (or in addition to) the raster tools.
The multiple "handles" on a line (such as a bezier curve, etc) that you mention are available only when you use Vectors. I think (but don't recall if) PSP 5 includes vector tools -- V6, 7 and 8 most certainly do.
If you're going to get involved with vectors, just be prepared to ride up a steep learning curve -- hope you have the manual(s) that came with the purchased software :-)
Here's a small file example created with the Vector tools. It was merged with raster layers and finished off using raster tools...
Mesa, Arizona
Thanks, Steve. Apparently PSP5 can read vector data but not write it (quick glance at the help files). Looks like I may have to upgrade.
". . .and only the stump or fishy part of him remained."
Green Gables: A Contemplative Companion to Fujino Township
I use Paint shop pro 7. I scan using [file] [import] [twain] and [start scan]. Then, I resize to 600 x 800 pixels and save as a .jpg. It usually comes out around 100 to 200 kb and looks good on the screen. Try less than 600 x 800 for the forum.
Ohhhh, I've got the whole resizing thing down, believe me. We were talking about batch editing, where the user can resize a whole bunch of pics with one click of the mouse. I used to sell on eBay quite a bit, and resizing and sharpening 10 separate pictures in 20 operations is a pain in the behind. A batch process does it all in one fell swoop.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Scanner's take some experimenting and practice. And, too bad its such a time consuming process. Your scanner may have come with all the software you need for scanner operation and image processing. Mine came with a ton of stuff, I didn't even load it all.
I use the scanner's software for the scan then do all image processing rework with LViewPro, I forget which version. Its shareware available all over the Internet, 30 or 45 day free trial before it disables, registration was $50 for a full version. Great program!
One more comment on file size, if I see a 500K image file on Knots, I never download it.
If you have the disk space, keep the original scanned image file and do a 'save as' for all your experiments and future posts.
Enjoy, Roy
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