can someone suggest a glue that will help assembling a melanime cabinet
i’m going to rabbit the side panels and wanted to glue the back on for rigidity
titebond doesn’t seem to work to well
can someone suggest a glue that will help assembling a melanime cabinet
i’m going to rabbit the side panels and wanted to glue the back on for rigidity
titebond doesn’t seem to work to well
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Have you tried Titebond melamine glue?Horrible to use, thin and very sticky.Check their web site
Roo Glue.
These screws work quite well for melamine case work.
You can also get caps specifically made to cover the heads.
Just make a hanging cleat for the top and bottom, screw them in and recess the depth of the panel an tack it with brads. No glue and the cleats ad alot of rigidity with the panel.
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