Hello fellow shaper peeps!
I’ve been looking into solutions for making larger tenons for full size doors and window sash with a shaper as the only tool. As much as I would love a tenoner, it’s just not practical right now. I came across some videos of people using the Whitehill Combi Head set up, which has a recess that accepts the spindle nut so you can cope your rail while the tenon runs over the top. My question is, is there any tooling out there that does the same thing, but is made to receive corrugated back steel instead of the bolt holes that whitehill insert tooling uses. My entire collection of knives is all corrugated backed steel, and I really don’t want to have to buy another steel format every time I want to run some sash or door parts with full size tenons. I also don’t want to use a domino or stub tenons, these are mostly for an historic millwork approach (sans tenoner).
Thanks in advance,
– Tanner
Wadkin sold a tool called a Tenna Disk back in the late 80's that did just that. Large diameter stacked disks and spacers using ground to pattern corrugated back steel. Made a lot of traditional double hung windows with it. I doubt you will find anything like it in this day and age.