Hello, I am glueing 1/4 inch shop made edge banding to plywood. My edge banding lifted off on one end. Can I add a little more glue and reclamp? Or do I use a different type of glue like epoxy?
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What glue is on there now?
Titebond 3
I would probably use a heat gun and something to gently pry with like a putty knife and try to lift the whole piece off. Then clean off the old glue and re-apply with fresh glue.
I'd try running a hot iron over it. That will stick original titebond back down. I don't know about 3.
this works well for veneer, but don't know if the iron would make it through 1/4" of edge banding. Worth a shot though!
I don’t think Titebond 3 is thermoplastic but I may be wrong, I would add glue and re-clamp.
I go with Gulfstar. It's the simplest solution and what's to lose?
I would certainly try regluing with same glue. And if that fails pry the sucker off and sand off all residue.
We went with a regular and it seems to be holding
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