I just started finishing a mahagony cabinet that I made and I’m having problems with the stain not being absorbed on spots where glue was located. I was careful to wipe off glue spots with a damp rag as they occured but after staining I noticed that there were spots where the stain didn’t take. These spots are located where the glue was cleaned off. The piece was completely sanded prior to the staining and the spots were not visable until the stain was applied. Is there anything that I can do to treat these spots, some of them are located in areas that would be really difficult to re-sand? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I've had the best luck on glue spots by taking a small piece of 150 grit sandpaper, dipping in the stain to wet it and then sanding (with the grain) the glue spot and then wipe with a clean rag. You may have to do this 2 or 3 times to get a good color match but once usually does it. Good luck.
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