what strength hide glue do you recommend for general woodworking, i.e gluing a chest or drawer?
I’m current using 192 for veneer but unsure this is o.k. for other applications.
what strength hide glue do you recommend for general woodworking, i.e gluing a chest or drawer?
I’m current using 192 for veneer but unsure this is o.k. for other applications.
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Hi there. I'm not a hide glue user so I could only do some research for you. Here are some grades of hide glue available from one manufacturer: 80, 110, 135, 164, 192, 222, 251, 280, 315, 347, 379, 411, 444, 478, 512 Jelly Grams. Quite a list. Most manufacturers recommend something between 120 and 200 gram strength for woodworking, so I would experiment with the 192 stuff. See if it can handle some mild shocks without failing. Good luck. Gary
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