I’ve been building a pair of floor to ceiling cabinets for my son. Cherry ply for the carcases. I didn’t see the problem until I put a coat of Watco on, but a very prominent horizontal surface has a 3/16″ or so wide dark line running from the back to the front. As near as I can tell, there is a 1/8″ or so gap in the substrate beneath the surface veneer, and interferes with the color of the surface. It looks awful. I tried bleach. Nope, it didn’t work. I tried steaming it, to raise any depressions, ditto. Still ugly as sin.
Please share thoughts about how to fix it? My best idea so far is to redo both pieces [so they match] covering the horizontal surface with some new cherry veneer from Rockler.
If I do that, I’ll sand down the oiled surface, but then what glue is likely to work best?
Thanks to all who answer.
Ken Werner
Hamilton, NY
Maybe it's possible to incorporate a series of decorative moldings or inlay strips, to hide the defect. Get creative...
Good luck,
If you've ever done any inlay work, I'd consider routing a very shallow channel where the line is and inlaying a thin bit of carefully color-matched solid wood; then hand plane off any that stands proud and refinish that side.
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