I have sanded through the darker parts of the purpleheart and want to finish in Danish oil and wax,, but some of the saniding removed the darker purple exposing the tan’er side of the wood. I dont know if oxegen or sunlight can help here as I dont wanna get into any fancy chemicals. If I place the finish on will it age through the finish to a purple patina?
Thanks in advance for any guidance.
If you leave it alone in regular room light and allow it to breathe normally (ie. don't stack it) the purple color should return over the next day or two. Freshly cut purpleheart is always brown for a while until it has a chance to darken. Over time the color will deepen to a dark purplish brown. I have been told that laquer-based finishes can preserve the vibrant purple but oil should allow it to deepen naturally. I will be experimenting myself in the next week or two to prove this, I will post again afterwards.
*I read/heard completely contradictory information about thepurple heart thing. The reference book used by the localhardwood outfit states with great authority that cutting thiswood makes it turn purple (table saw, jointer and planer), andtime will let it go brown again. It also states that laquer-based finishes preserve the purple; whereas spirits/oils letit go brown. The above reply to your question states more-or-less the opposite. My experience leads me to believe that Brandon (previous reply) is quite right. (why is it mostpurple when you buy it; after it's been sitting for long periodsof time?)I recently made a bass guitar body with purple heart:Belt sanding made it go brown, so I took a well honed cab. scraper to it, and that helped quite a bit. I then let it sitfor 24 hours, or so, and finished it with laquer (Deft). It'snot intensely purple like when you buy the rough materials.It's better! It's this deep, warm purplish reddish. . . kind ofa burgundy or port wine color.So, I guess my two cents worth is that you can play with WHENyou seal it as well. Try some scraps that are worked along withyour project (all the same processes at the same time), thenstart finishing the scraps at different intervals (one day, two)and catch your project when you get the scrap results you like.
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