How to attach the middle drawer guides and runners to a table apron
I am seeking ideas on how to attach drawer guides and runners to a project. The outer-most guides and runners will be easy enough since they can notched around the legs and glued to the side aprons. How do you attach the middle guides to the front and rear aprons?
Here are some photos for reference.
Mortise and tenons front and back. I hope your pictures are showing a dry fit.
You can attach a rail that is wide enough to accommodate the drawer on each side of the vertical dividers. this rail of course will extend to the back of the case and into a mortise in the rear skirt. You can fasten a vertical piece down the middle of the rail the same width as the vertical divider as side support for the drawers.
I hope this makes sense.
Here you go. See page 2 of this project.
I clamp them in place and add glue blocks on the outside and wait.
Hey Chuck, thank you for the advice. I did a mortis and tenon on both ends and it works great! I guess I confused myself by doing a stub tenon on the front of the kicker, and a dove tail on the back. I didn't want to do that on the bottom as the weight on the drawers would always be trying to push the dovetail out. FYI, yes the photo was a dry fit. Now these pieces are cut I am starting to glue up in stages. Thank you again for the advice!
That Steven Hammer table you linked to is sexy! I really like it. I am going to read that article in full tonight. Looks like a great design.
That's a pretty nice looking table you have going there as well. Don't be afraid to send more pics as you progress.
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