how to created angles for multisided bird house

I’m going to attempt to recreate an old birdhouse for my Mom.
See photo. I think I can figure out the 6 sides wall part of it, but not sure how to tackle the angled roof part of it. This may be too much to try to tackle so I figured I’d ask the experts.
I think I have all the tools to tackle this but might need to invest in some sort of angle guide to help? Any suggestions would be great. Any suggestions also on the type of material would be great. I’m not too keen on the plywood this one is made of.
I would use a bevel gauge on the bird house you are copying. Issue #185 has an article about bevel gauge basics by P. Lowe. The rise and run on the roof and how the pieces are mitered together might take some trial and error.
There are calculators online that can help you sort out the angles. I would make my computer do the heavy lifting and lay out the roof graphically to get the angles using SketchUp.
thank you
forgive my ignorance but how can i find issue #185 on site?
i think i found it
Is that a Martin house?
This website has a pyramid calculator that will do all the work for you :-)
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