How to kill Wood Borers in my drying boards

I am sawing boards from oak logs that came from tree trimming in my yard a couple months ago, and I’ve begun to find larvae from Roundheaded Wood Borers. I am removing areas of obvious infestation but is there a way to treat the boards to kill any others that may be inside the wood? I’d like it to dry safely without hosting pests and getting more wood damage.
One of the Shop-Talk-Live Episodes talks about how to deal with infested wood. Can't find it though. There are 200+.
I know of a few methods. Kiln drying instead of air dry drying is 100% effective immediately. The heat kills them. The other is Borate mixed with water and sprayed on the wood, soak it well. The borate is a desiccant and will kill the bugs when they bore out of the wood or back in. This depends on the bugs life cycle. The borate mixture is non toxic to humans and pets. Bora-care is the name of the product. Bora-care is already pre-mixed, but you can also get the powder (Tim-bor) and mix yourself. 50 years ago I treated my grandparents furniture with a petroleum product which stank, was messy and had to be redone every couple years....
I would beg to differ that you do not have roundheaded borers as they do not infest Oak, they infest only conifers not deciduous trees. You have the standard powder post beetles.
Same question here.
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