This tapered block is going to be a spacer in a solid wood cabinet with trapezoid sides. I need a vertical surface to mount my drawer runners. I think at 4″ deep and a 75 degree angle this is too much for my table saw. Any ideas would be greatly welcome. Thanks.
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Bandsaw using the bandsaw fence and tilting table.
You could also cut 1/2 depth with the table saw blade tilted to 15 degrees then move the fence to the other side of the blade, flip the workpiece over, and finish the cut.
Thanks, Im sure either of these will get it done.
I would also use the bandsaw as @pintodeluxe described.
The piece is not very long. Another option would be to secure it to the bench and use a handplane.
Or make a sled at the appropriate angle and run it through the planer.
You say it is a cabinet with trapezoid sides. I'm very curious on how this spacer fits into your design.
Bandsaw and clean up with a jointer in one way. Planer with a riser block double-stik taped along one edge is another. This is how I taper vise jaws but, not as much ;-)
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