What can I use a high speed grinder for if it isn’t good for chisels etc? I got a slow speed grinder what are good wheel that I should get for it and where to get them?
Thanks in advance KaiswerRoo
What can I use a high speed grinder for if it isn’t good for chisels etc? I got a slow speed grinder what are good wheel that I should get for it and where to get them?
Thanks in advance KaiswerRoo
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The speed just means stock will burn faster therefore you need to be careful. I use my high speed grinder for things like sharpening the lawn mower blade or aggressive stock removal. The low spead is better for chisels - the norton blue or white wheels are what I use with the low speed grinder for chisels.
Thank you for the input, at least i know what to use that grinder for now. What wheel do you recomend for the high speed grinder?
The wheel that came with my high speed grinder is an alunimun oxide 60 grit. It works fine and has been on the grinder for 15 years. - no troubles all the years. Make sure the wheel you get spins true. I had to return a norton white wheel once even though their quality is superior than the wheel that comes with the grinder.
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