Can any one point me to a hydrated lime source?
Can any one point me to a hydrated lime source?
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Building supplies, it is used in finish plastering
Just wondering what you plan to do with it?
Do you know what it does when you add water?
It may be easier to get it from a drywall, plaster supplier. Masonry supplier would also carry it.
Curt are you confusing hydrated lime with quick lime? I have had no trouble mixing it with water.My guess is JJ is making milk paint or on the wrong forum
I was under the impression they are the same thing.
Hydration is the process of dunking quicklime ,not a fun process and few people will sell you quicklime as it is very dangerous.It was used to hasten the decomposition of foot and mouth infected cattle and murderers bodies after hanging and burial!
My plan(derived from an archived knots forum) was to test out a lime/water mixture on some mahogany to get that deep red/flame color.
Auxiliary question. Is hydrated lime the same as limestone that you buy to spread on your yard?
I don't know about agriculture,but the stuff from a building suppliers ,used for plaster may well be finer ground. Haven't bought any for years but it was fairly cheap I used it to repair some old plaster and lath.Also have used it to weaken the mortar mix for use on old masonary.If it is an alkali that you need,would lye work?
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