I like the style of this desk specifically the style of table top with the distinctive corners. Have been trying to google other examples but am at a loss for what style or name to google
Anyone have an idea of what period of furniture I’d look for for other examples
Kind of a Federal thing going on there
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
I agree with roc, a Federal thing. Some Sheraton elements there in rather hearty proportions.
I'm sure Rob Milard can tell us what that top style is. He recently did a beautiful Seymour table with that sort of top.
Those circular thingys make the table a porringer top table. Queen Anne style, I believe.
THANK YOU, searching for "porringer" does show me lots of examplesNow to glue up the top would you glue it up then cut the shape or my other thought was the boards on the front and back could be ripped then the ends cut down to size and glued back in place to provide the nice straight edge to front and back. ie diagram below (my not reproduce well)=====xxxxxxxxxxxxx=====
I have no idea... I think a cozy corner for writing in script and other stuff so the teacher to give me a passing grade.
I just love that picture! I had a corner like that to do my Homework.. I loved it, not the homework. Not sure I ever paid attention to the table style.
I had one like this.. Sort of..
Mom allowed me to listen to the radio while doing homework.. IF I got good grades...
That lamp, in my mind, Sort of a vision in my mind of, on the desk, of Boston Blackie office.
EDIT: I forgot about the table. I think sort of like that but all the furniture (I think) in the house was what my grandfather had after he survived WWI..
Now a need for a very large picture on Knots. My first thought was a French style sort of layed back?
He was not that warm (never mean) but his furniture and house was.
Edited 11/5/2009 11:16 am by WillGeorge
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