I saw this in the Rockler catalog, Jessem made this model for Incra. Anyone know if the Jessem model is identical to the Incra? the reason I ask is that the Incra model is sold at Rockler and they are currently giving 20% off one item. I would only consider getting it if it were essentially the same. I will be using it with my PC 7518 router motor. Thanks
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I have been using the Incra Mastr II with the Porter Cable 7518 for about 4 years. I am well satisfied with their performance.
They are identical except for the top plate. I believe Incra makes there own top plate with their propriety inserts which are held in place magnetically. My son owns it and it is an excellent lift and with 20% off a great value.
Good lift. Insert plates are held in by magnets which is convenient. This Rockler version has a smaller rectangle plate to fit their router tables. Really like mine. Smooth to operate
Aren’t they also a different size than the standard JessM?
I love the magnetic inserts. I almost went with the Rockler version over the JessM, when I p. But, Rockelrs were more expensive at the time. Enough so, I couldn’t justify the difference just for the inserts.
It's a great lift. I have been using it for at least 8 years. The crank to raise and lower gives exceptional control and precision of depth. While this precision isn't require in many cases, it's nice to have if you are trying to fit parts together. I have an Incra table/positioner and the lift works great with the fence. It's just a great all-around lift. Also, for at least some router motors, the lift is already set up and just requires insertion of the router and tightening it down. For other motors, it's easy to use the included hardware to secure the motor.
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