Sorry, I am sure this must be covered somewhere, but I am new here and can not find it.
Is there an INDEX of all past articles in Finewood Working on this site? I remember several issues way back that contained large indexes. Or, a way to see past issues of magazines? I have found the search area, for articles but I am just wondering if I can read some of the past issues now that I am a member. Or, are the past articles only by searching a topic or author?
digital issues
As a web subscriber, you can read recent issues in digital form from the member's page (see link at the upper right of the main page).
With previous issues, individual articles are in PDF format, but I haven't found an article index, as such.
If you can't find what you're looking for I can fax you a hard copy
Same here. I have the DVD Fine Working '75-'2011, but, if there is an index I cannot find it. I am looking for info on laying hardwood floors.
Preston in KY
I think you need to check out Fine Homebuilding for flooring articles, 159 hits.
Fine WoodWorking only had 8 hits.
Here is a link to the index:
Index link
Thanks for the link, Betsy.
It's a step in the right direction, but not a comprehensive index. The article, "A Basic Layout Kit", for example, is indexed under "A", but there aren't corresponding listings under "B" (for Basic) or "L" (for Layout).
Taunton used to put out a spring bound edition of an index to FWW mags and Taiunton books. It is handy as hell for looking at old back issues but I haven't recieved a new one in many many years. too bad they stopped printing it. You could open it to a topic, lay it on the bench and start pulling the issues that looked promising. I'm not too sure of what a lot of sawdust would do to a computer so I don.t take mine down into the shop.
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