What are some recommendations for a good, inexpensive hardwood for a desk? I’m able to get quarter sawn white oak for $3.65/bf (4/4, rough) so that may be the best I can do and still have a quality hardwood.
Thanks, Brett
What are some recommendations for a good, inexpensive hardwood for a desk? I’m able to get quarter sawn white oak for $3.65/bf (4/4, rough) so that may be the best I can do and still have a quality hardwood.
Thanks, Brett
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No idea where you are.
PNW Alder is plentiful and reasonable cost
Upper Mid west is glutted with Ash, being as it is being killed off
NE corridor I suppose Oak should be reasonable
SE Oak is still close by
Texas= cactus? (G)
Actually, I should clarify that I'm in Texas. Also, I'd like to find something that has a tighter grain vs. something like oak.
Ha! and here I was making a funny...I know squat about Tehas, but I hear Mesquite is available, in small sizes.
Thats not a bad price on white Oak.
I guess shipping is the killer for other species from the US corners.
qs white oak $3. 65. I don't think that I would be looking any further.
I've had guys from Texas order wood from my sawmill simply because they can buy it so much cheaper than it's available in Texas. Even figuring in trucking costs..
White oak is 80 cents a bd.ft.
That's rough and green plus it's a mix of plain sawn and 1/4 sawn. Oak quickly air dries with never a loss of a board. Outside and a year later it's ready, inside one heating season dries it nicely. With your A/C you could dry it in a cooling season as well.
It's not worth it if this is the only thing you ever intend to build but if you could use a bunker of white oak, or have buddies who will split a bunker with you.. I doubt you'll get it much cheaper..
Trucking costs are all over the place. If it's part of a back haul you might get it really cheap.. I know that the local Caterpillar dealer has a lot of equipment hauled up from Texas. There's a lot of equipment that used to be made here in America made down in Brazil and it comes into the upper midwest thru Texas.
The sawmill is Johnson logging in Cannon Falls Minnesota.. Ask for Dan or Connie.
If you want closed grain, you should be able to find soft maple at a reasonable price.
You will be pleasantly surprised the first time you'll work with it !
WO is pretty tight grain, unlike Red Oak. $3.65 is a pretty good price. You may be able to get rift or plain sawn a bit cheaper -- QS usually carries a pricing premium. I think you can actually overdo the use of QS and the regular looks fine.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
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