Can anyone recommend a good inshave and where to purchace one? I bought a German brand last year from Woodcraft Supply for $40.00 and it was a real disappointment. I ended up taking it back. I’ve seen one on a traditional woodworkers site for about $180.00. (I’d rather find something in-between).
I found an old Fine Woodworkers article where the person had one made from a drawknife. Sounds like a good idea but wouldn’t that draw out the steels temper?
I plan to use the tool to shape the sides of a cabinet – much like Widsor Chair but elongated. My plan is to use an angle grinder to rough-out the shape and the inshave to refine it. I’m a novice with hand-tools/carving.
Crazy Ray
Crazy Ray,
Both Highland Hardware and Garrett-Wade carry inshaves. I have no experience with them, so you're on your own.
Your description of what you want to do with an inshave left me scratching my head. I can't picture an inshave being used " to shape the sides of a cabinet" for any reason. Can you describe more fully what you're trying to do?
Thanks for the info! The side panels on the cabinet will be about 6/4's thick and have carved relief or shaping in them - similar to an hour glass. This is a poor discription but hopefully I'll have some great pictures in a couple of months. I'll definately post them if successful.
Crazy has a very good one; I own one. It's probably expensive but it works and it will last forever.
Thanks, Ben...
Through my research and from an article in the February issue of FWW I found this place...
I haven't settled on anything yet but will probably order something in the next week or two.
Try this site:
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