I want to build a drawer with a front that flips down after it is pulled open
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What exactly are you asking about? Permission, hardware, design, etc
There are a couple ways. Simple hardware like you see in trunks & chests. Or a lift & pull front where the face lifts up, swings down and lies flat. Neither is terribly hard to do.
There are other ways of course, like rule joints. It just depends on which you prefer.
If your goal is to have something like shown in the first picture, a simple butler tray hinge will do the job, finding the latch could be trickier but a simple slide bolt will do if you don't require a flush surface to the drawer front when it is folded down.
Haefel also makes a euro style hinge that would work if you prefer drilling holes versus mortising hinges, although it won't be quite flush.
Regular European hinges work fine for that, just mount them to the bottom
of the drawer face instead of to the side like on doors.
(if this is what you're asking)
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