Hi All-
I am looking for a supplier of ipe lumber (4/4 to 6/4) in the San Diego/ southern LA area. Does not matter how milled the wood is as long as it is not decking material. Any suggestions?
Thanks a million as always-
Doc in Carlsbad CA
Hi All-
I am looking for a supplier of ipe lumber (4/4 to 6/4) in the San Diego/ southern LA area. Does not matter how milled the wood is as long as it is not decking material. Any suggestions?
Thanks a million as always-
Doc in Carlsbad CA
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Doc -
My supplier here in Houston has 10's of thousands of BF and it's ALL decking material.
But, it's pretty steenkin good stuff, though. Straight grain, clear, and well dried. (and no checks)
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
Thanks for the info. What is the name of your supplier? I may have to knuckle under and seriously start factoring in the cost of shipping.
Doc in CCA
Doc -
It's Hardwood Lumber Co.
Hardwood Lumber Co(713) 862-6628
700 E 5th 1/2 StHouston, TX
If you call them, ask for Jay, and tell him that I sent you. He's a nice guy and has spent lots of time helping me find that 'just right' piece of wood.
They have lots of imported exotic woods. I can sometimes get better prices by mail order, but by the time shipping is added, not that much better. Their Rosewood supplies are limited and it is better to search through the stacks.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_KatyPlaneWood
Thanks for the contact information. I will calculate exactly what I need and give him a call.
Doc in CCA
Call the bohnhoff in downtown la or soroyan lumber also downtown
Thanks for the suggestions. I would like to exhaust possibilities a little closer to home first but will definately keep the LA yards in mind if I continue to strike out.
Doc in CCA
How about Cut and Dried in Solana Beach, Hardwood and Hardware (Austin) in SD or Tropical Exotic Hardwoods of Latin America in San Marcos (formerly O'side)?
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
Thanks for the suggestions. I have eliminated Cut&Dried and Tropical&Exotic but have not contacted Hardwood and Hardware...will do though.
Doc in CCA
Is H&H in SD still H&H? Austin in Santa Ana (same owner) did a name change for a year or so as H&H, but then changed back to Austin? If they're no longer sister stores then Austin in SA may be another choice not too far away. John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
Yes H&H is still H&H. I just got off the phone with them and they do have some 4/4 Ipe!
Thanks again for the tip.
Doc in CCA
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