3/4 hp shop fox shaper on craig’s list
is this worth the money, esp vs a router + table?
i have a porter cable classic fixed model, and was thinking of getting the hitachi workhorse to put in the table saw extension.
Edited 9/30/2007 6:24 am ET by flipstuff
Philip ,
The price is less than just a router would be , if you need a dedicated router and table and the power plant / motor is good then it sounds like a deal .
Offer $100 if you want it and split the difference
Hell, ya' would pay that much for a new motor!
The price is certainly reasonable, as new it runs around $450. The question you need to answer is whether you want a shaper, or a router in a table. There have been several discussions here on such a decision. Can't give you links for those, but here's a couple of places to read the pros and cons:
Pat Warner's take on it:
thanks dusty and forestgirl, i will research a bit more.
i was just wondering if this small size made it more of a toy-like tool, whether i'd be frustrated, etc. in truth i'm not doing tons of router work but it appeals because of the price and built in table.
I started out with something like that, it was better than the average router lift table but it couldn't one pass big bits. I sold mine for $150 and bought a 3 hp one from Grizzly.
It really depends on you.. If you have the patience to use a router table this will work well and cost less. New something like that sells for $315.00
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