I just stumbled across the following information on a product called Alowood
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Pretty cool stuff... They were a customer of mine a while back. My company did the computer automation for their plant. I've still got some of the boards that were given to me when they were first trying out the colors. I've got blue, red and yellow. Haven't done anything with the stuff yet... I still prefer natural.
- Mahoganaholic
Good thread.Maybe some manufacuters could use it and avoid crumb board.I wonder what the cost would be?
Shoe if you go to their web site under media there is magazine article about a furniture maker in Bellingham Washington who made a beautiful dining room set for the CEO of Altwood. I tried to post her here as a attachment but this site wouldn't let me, I kept getting a error message. Perhaps because it is something from another mag??
The guy who did the feasibility study is the furniture maker I am telling you about. My mind is slipping today. He stated that the pricing is similar to that of "Oak or Cherry"??
I'd like to get my hands on some of it just to play with it and see what it is all about.
I have to venture into Cincinnati this afternoon, so as much as I hate going to a Rockler Store perhaps I will go check it out. They say Rockler is one of their distributors.
The thing is, is that I can buy real hardwoods around here at such a low price.
I checked there site and found a Canadian Distributor Windsor Plywood.They had some instock $9.00 15.00 Bd Ft. I can get the real thing except eboney around here cheaper.And you guys that live around inexpensive hardwood make me jealous
Dont know where you are but i got 250' of quilted birch for $1.30 a ft a few months ago plus 1250 ft of hard maple for $1.20 a bd ft cdn
I dont even need the wood but a deal is a deal & i often purchase from this guy sight unseen all air dried at least 2 years furniture grade
I currently have close to 4000 ft of birch , cherry , maple , oak all planed waiting for a insperation to hit me for some new projects !
That's like where I'm at I picked up 500 BF of Hard Maple and 450 BF of Ash. It's all air dried, which i prefer. When I put it away I tally what I have and it actually worked out at 994 BF, 44 more than I figured on. It is all random length & width from 5/4 - 12/4. He doesn't cherry pick it prior to loading it, so if there is figured wood, same price. If he see's what he calls a bad board he'll throw it to the side. But I've been telling him to stop that I can get something out of it so he throws another board or two on the truck to replace the"bad board". He told me that my taking it is doing him a favor, that way he doesn't have to cut it up and burn it. A lot of the times all that's wrong is contained to a small area, perhaps I would lose 2 lin. ft of the board.
I'm heading down there next week to pick up about 1000 BF of beautiful Walnut for $500.00.
Edited 7/8/2009 8:55 am ET by Taigert
Hi Dude I'm just outside of Regina.
I just bought some ash $2.50 bdft.
If I drive north I can get birch about $1.00 but no maple etc.Might have to get a group together and get a semi loaded.
Play with the Ash.. It is a wonderful wood!
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