It’s a Boy – every bit of 6 1/2 pounds. Delivered in my shop by – of all people – the UPS man. What a guy!
It’s a Boy – every bit of 6 1/2 pounds. Delivered in my shop by – of all people – the UPS man. What a guy!
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what a beauty!
and here I thought you should be posting in the Cafe...
Hmmmmmm, I'm a little worried about that color -- jaundice?! Oh, no, he's just fine! Congrats.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
He looks just like you! Congratulations.
Ah, the apple didn't fall far from the tree!
How do you tell a boy plane from a girl plane?
"It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts."
John Wooden 1910-
Personally it looks like a Girl Plane to me! Nice lines, well balanced, pretty, fun to play with. But there is that sharp "tongue".Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
..."How do you tell a boy plane from a girl plane?"Bevel up, bevel down
When it grows up, will it be a Unisaw? :-)
When it grows up, will it be a Unisaw? :-)
No, a powermatic 180! ;)
Lee: Breast feed or bottle? If it never wants to give up the breast: it's a boy. KDM
"... Buy the best and only cry once.........
Enjoy every minute with him.. Time goes by sooo fast. Soon he'll be all grown up with block planes of his own.
A chip off the ole 'block'??
A handsome little 'shaver'
My parents bronzed my shoes, you bronzed your child's SOLE!!!
Mape,Don't rush to put that baby to work. (They enforce child labor laws in Minnesota.) Have you named him yet? Woody? Jim Beam? Burl? Steinmetz.
Edited 12/13/2006 9:31 pm ET by Steinmetz
Can I have his children when he grows up and has kids?!!!!!!!!
Egads woody,
Those are my grandchildren we are talking about. Have? Maybe babysit, but not have!
Beautiful! How do you plug him in...........................
No batteries or plugs required. He loves to play by himself, I just give him a block of wood and he's good for hours.
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