I have a Jointech saw train and smart miter. Is anyone else using these? I realize the company is defunct, and I do not know of a user group for these products.
I have been using the Jointech smart fence with clincher on my router table and I am about to re-install the saw train system on my table saw. I am interested in sharing information on usage, adjustments, or modifications others might have for the system. So far, I have a phenolic face and a high fence that mounts to the smart fence. I make my own zero clearance inserts for the router bits.
I have 8′ long rails, which I am about to cut because I do not need the length in my current table saw/router configuration. I have 3 clinchers, 2 extra ones.
I also own their smart miter sled which it looks like woodpecker has recently picked up the design.
Let me know if you are interested.
I have been researching the Jointech system lately and am considering purchasing one if I can find one for sale. I would be interested in learning as much as I could before purchasing.
Since my original post, I have reinstalled the saw train on my table saw. Being able to come back to and precisely repeat a cut after moving the fence is a welcome improvement for me.
Are you interested in it for a router or table saw and router table set up?
As I mentioned in my post earlier, I have some extra parts, but only one smart fence.
Definitely the router, but possible the table saw also. Can the same Clincher be used for both? Can the clincher be used with a different fence on the router? I currently have the Jessem Mite-R-Fence ll withe the Mite-R-Slide.
What parts do you have?
What parts do you have? I may be interested in one of the clinchers.
I own a Jointech Smart Miter but I'm missing the 45 degree wedge so I would be interested in talking with others (especially if someone were to have a spare 45 degree wedge). I'm not familiar with their other products but I do like the Smart Miter.
The smart miter is quite good.
I have the 45 degree wedge, but only one. It might be reasonable for you to make one.
I have taken some pictures and attached them here. It is 1/2" thick phenolic material cut at a 45-degree angle with 2" legs. A nylon screw, parallel to one leg bisecting the other leg, attaches it to the miter. The attached pictures have some parallax. The calibration process will still work if you are close to the 2" legs.
The last picture shows a change I made to the hold down clamp which I like. Instead of adjusting and locking the hold down with two wing nuts this set up uses a square with two threaded holes and a thumb screw for locking. I think I got this at Rockler. In this arrangement, to adjust the hold down, you loosen the thumb screw, twist the threaded hold down and adjust it, and then tighten the thumb screw. This is much simpler and quicker.
Originally, I used another finger adjustable nut to lock the screw to the square. At least for me, that was not necessary and added extra time to the adjustment. As you can see, I also used a bigger pad. I sanded a flat on one side so that the screw can be closer to the fence.
Good Luck,
Thank you. I may get around to making one someday but for now I'll just keep using it as a sled for my saw. You sort of lost me with the hold down. Are you saying there was a hold down that came with the sled and you modify it?
Again thanks,
Check out the Jointech website for resources and support on their products: https://jointech.com/.
I tried Zachary01's link and it failed, so I checked whois to look at the domain info and found this:
Organization iTools Company
Address 5415 BANDERA RD STE 504 SAN ANTONIO TX 78238-1958
Phone 210-867-5780
Hope it helps!
Does anyone know the distance that the top of the rails are to be from the top of the table saw? I am trying to reassemble my Jointech Saw Train and can’t find the setup blocks for the correct spacing.
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