Hi! I am looking to buy an 8″ jointer but the delta professional is out of the question(too much money). Anyone have any suggestions ? I am looking at a Yorkcraft. Any feedback on that one? How about any others?
I am also looking at the Jessem Mast-R-Slide 7500 sliding crosscut table. Anyone know anything about them? Does anyone have any other suggestions on buying a sliding crosscut table? I have a Bridgewood 10″ cabinet saw .
Filling in your profile might help folks help you, as some machines are cheaper/more available in different places.
I have the Grizzly 8" jointer G0490. I've had it for several months. It's not perfect, but it was a LOT cheaper than the Delta and it does what it's supposed to.
Since you live in York PA, why consider anything other than Yorkcraft? It is a fine tool which is probably cheaper than anything else you can buy there. It is what I have, but I now feel certain that their 6-incher is really all I need. The rack & pinion fence adjuster is great. I really wanted hand wheel infeed adjustment, however, the lever works just fine. A mobile base has turned out to be a necessity which I didn't foresee.
I have the Yorkcraft 8J and love it. Setup was easy and the bed alignment is dead on.
I also have an Excalibur sliding table. They come in two widths. Wilke sells them so go up there and take a look.
Dear Chief,
If you are going to get the "Yorkcraft", you might want to look into a "Shelix" cutterhead as well. I put one on my jointer and it makes a world of difference.
Yes. You should check out Wilke since you are so close. I used to live in Etters about 3 years ago. I have been to Wilke several time while I lived there. I always found them to be VERY unhelpful and not willing to give me the time of day. I never bought from them though.
I also suggest that you take the 2 hour drive to the Grizzly showroom in Muncie PA. Its an easy drive and the Grizzly show room is awsome. VERY friendly store associates and I do not beleive you will be dissapointed.
I have a Grizzly 6" jointer and have been very happy. I only wish I would have bought the 8". You owe it to yourself to check both places out before you make a decison. But either way...you have access to 2 well known woodworking machinery showrooms.
Good luck
Thank you,
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