I’m setting up my new DJ20 jointer and noticed when I spin the pulley on the motor it has a very subtle “wobble”. This does not seem right to me. Should it spin dead flat? Am I going to get significant vibration from this? Or should I finish the set up and run it to see first? I don’t know how much “play” is allowed in this area, let me know. Thanks.
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Probably harmless, and no damage would be done even if you ran the jointer with a slightly off pulley, belt drives aren't that fussy. Just run the machine, if there is vibration, then go back and look closer at the pulley.
John W.
I,agree with John, slight wobble from left to right probably won't cause a problem. In the event you do have vibration,could be the pulley or the motor shaft.If it is the shaft the pulley would appear to jump up and down. If you do need a new pulley, buy a machined pulley, they cost more than a cast pulley but are truer.
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