Jointers – 8 inch is better but are there any that can run on 120 VAC
Pondering the acquistion of a bigger jointer (presently using a Shopsmith 4″ jointer). From what I have found out so far, most folks recommend going to an 8 inch jointer – kind of ‘if you buy smaller, you will wish you had gotten it bigger’ thing.
While money (and a very limited shop space) is a consideration, it seems like most of the 8 inch jointers I have seen jump up to a 3 HP motor and are strictly 240 VAC. Now that certainly makes sense – wider blades means you need more HP. More HP means you need to bump up your voltage.
So regardless of reality, are there any jointers out there where I could trade feedrate for HP?
And, in general, is the recommendation to go to 8 inch (or bigger, I suppose) still appropriate?
Bob Groh
One of the best jointers around, the Delta DJ-20 has always come with 1 1/2 hp motor that could be run on 110 or 220. I had one for many years and never felt it was underpowered.
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