Kinda Urgent: what wrong w/ Camp-Haus?
There’s a Campbell Hausfeld kit (not compressor) at Costco right now with a brad nailer, finish nailer, and big gun (2.5″ nails) for pretty cheap, sorry can’t remember exactly. I was thinking we could buy the kit, and sell the brad nailer since I already have one. But they’re not selling on eBay even at $19.99!!! So what’s the problem. Are they true pieces of c_ap??
forestgirl — you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can’t take the forest out of the girl 😉
Edited 5/28/2006 11:14 am by forestgirl
Well, I see I must have written another muddy post. This is not a compressor (I already have a PC compressor). The kit is 3 nail guns -- brad nailer, finish nailer and 2.5" nail nailer.
I talked to one of my Knots friends on the phone yesterday. His take is that CH is just not very well made, and I'd be better off picking up the gun(s) I need individually and get a better make.
The fact that the brad nailer doesn't sell at $19.99 on eBay was the big hint that CH isn't respected.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
So what particular nail/staple gage & length are you desiring to purchase?
I have a 18 gage brad gun & a 18 gage staple gun from Grizzly & a 15 gage Senco angled finish nailer all use Senco nails/staples. When I went to a re-opening of Western Tool in Bellingham there were several tool vendors & the Senco Rep. told me that the US is kinda divided with the most of the guns in the western half shooting Senco style fasteners & the Eastern half shooting I think it was Bostitch.Good, better, best never let it rest until your good is better & your better best.
I am fairly new to wood working, but I have been a diesel mechanic for a while and been doing metal work since I was about nine years old( I would sneak out to the shop and crank up the welder when dad wasn't around). When buying tools I have always bought the best, unless I didn't use the tool very often or if I could wear out several cheap ones for the cost of an expensive one that would eventually wear out any way. If the tool doesn't wear out very often like a wrench that will last 20 to 50 years depending on use, I would always by the best I could possibly afford, and sometimes things I couldn't afford. I have lots of scars from cheap tools, a broken wrench or ratchet can take a lot of skin and I don't like digging steel out of myself from cheap chisels. I could never make a Camp-Haus air tool last long enough to justify the purchase. I own porter-cable nailers and have had good luck. The price is good also.
I don't know the model # but check out the recovery rate (CFM) and the volume of the tank, it may be a problem. I have one of their small brad nailers and a die grinder and they work ok, but I would not lean on them like my PC's (lite duty only)
For a portable compressor I went with Ingersoll with steel sleved cylinders for my nail guns. Not a monster CFM but runs ALL DAY no problems. Just my thoughts, Pat
C-H guns are just typical throw aways if you only play they are ok .However I question the use of a "big gun" if it only fires 2.5 " nails .If you mean a framer then it is only going to be of use for sheathing.
Hi Jako, thanks, that's the same message I got on the phone from a friend (throw-aways). I would have been buying the 3-gun outfit to get the finish nailer and framer (whatever you call it; I called it a big gun 'cause I forget exactly what it was). We're building a storage shed this summer, so I figured the bigger gun would work for that, the finish nailer would always come in handy. Already have a PC brad nailer, so don't need another one of those.
I'll pas on the "good deal" and just buy what we need when we need it. We can borrow a framer (or whatever) from my step-son. Next two on my WWing list are a stapler and a pin-nailer.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
FG, glad to see ya pass on that C-H deal. I scoped out the 23ga. pin locally a while back at two BIG tool sellers to the trades. Their word was Senco if you use it every day or the PC pin100 if you don't and NO others.
I am also looking for a staple gun but what size? I have never used one. I am thinking the 16ga is too big and the 18ga comes either 1 1/2" or 1" max long. Is the 18ga x1 1/2 enough to tack 3/4" MDF case work till the glue dries?
I have had great success at the PC outlet both with sales on new and reconditioned. Some recons are unused returns.
What do you think, Pat
You'll have to find a cabinetmaker to answer that question of "How long need the staple be?" I'd like to know too, can you start a thread??
I'll check the PC site out, thanks.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
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