Hello, I stripped this kitchen cabinet with the intent of restaining it. The varnish finish came off but the stain came up unevenly. I am not sure how to correct this. Suggestions?
Hello, I stripped this kitchen cabinet with the intent of restaining it. The varnish finish came off but the stain came up unevenly. I am not sure how to correct this. Suggestions?
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hi, i know its a bit late but a soda blaster works great. runs off of a pancake compressor and gets in all the corners and crevices. worked great on my project. went back and gave it a lite sanding and all was well.
Hi Woodrow17, thanks for that suggestion! I did already get the cabinet door above refinished but this is a side project and I still have most of my kitchen left to do so not late at all. I watched this video where they demonstrate soda blasting wood with a 15 lb portable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FioQ7_fbNvg
I may try that! If it works as well as in the video, that could save me a ton of time!
Thank you!
Spray paint the cabinets.
Ha! I seriously considered it, hotdogman. But my home was built in 1894 and has the original wood throughout. I just couldn't do it. And someday when the trend swings back to wood, my kitchen will be stylish again!
What are you using for an applicator? Brush, sponge, wipe on? But that's off-point. It'll take time but after you've stripped off the old finish try filling the pores.
Filling the pores is messy fun but it'll help even out and smooth the finish.
Best of luck whatever you try.
Restaining is the only option I see.
But I would start with a good sanding & you may find things even out more.
I would be inclined to use dye stain as they are easier to adjust the tone with selective repeat applications. Another option would be a gel stain.
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