Is there a standard or information out there that gives “standard” kitchen cabinet dimensions, either in Imperial or Metric(32mm?)? I know there are any number of books or articles, but just looking for that concise compilation. Thanks
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My "go-to" is Pocket Shop Reference book by Tom Begnal and published by Popular Woodworking around 2006. ISBN-13 978-1-55870-782-5. This publication has enhanced my building skills and keeps me out of trouble with my custom furniture and restoration projects. Good luck
The store from where we bought our kitchen gives information about kitchen units dimensions in metric. You can take them as an example -
Illustrated cabinetmaking by Bill Hylton has this.
You can make the width anything you want considering proportions. Upper cabinets have a depth of 12 inches and lower cabinets have a depth of 24 inches. You can vary some but you will also have countertops which are a standard depth. These measurements work well however. Factory made upper cabinets come in 30", 36" and 42" heights. Good luck and there are lots of books on making kitchen cabinets.
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