Hello: What would be the best paint finish for a built-in, fold out type kitchen table. I intend to take it down to bare wood and assume oil primer and oil enamel for tuffness but what about something over the top of the enamel to protect it? It will get moderately hard use. What filler would be best if the wood (probably redwood) is gouged or open grain-ish?
Thanks, Duke
The Bill of Rights
December 15 1791
NRA Endowment Member
LEAA Life Member
CRPA Member
Have not use any oil paint for a table.. BUT on exterior doors I have on occasion. Enamel oil, even latex, paint is pretty tough stuff.
If a real concern to you go to a PRO paint store and ask them.. NOT a BIG BOX!
I used a EPOXY paint once cus' a customer insisted.. Really nice finish once I got the hang of using it.. I forget the brand name.
However, I found that it was easy to chip at the edges..
Standard interior gloss enamel will be as durable as most anything else. Over coating with a clear oil based varnish or poly varnish will change the color and will not be any more protective. The key is to let the paint fully cure for 2-3 weeks before subjecting it to heavy use. It takes that long to develop its full protective qualities.
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