So looking for the right knobs for the new master bath vanity, I came across these knobs:
Gorgeous, but spendy….
But here the cabinet has both tiger striped and birds-eye maple, so it really *NEEDS* tigerseye knobs!
So I went down to the local rockhound shop and got some tigerseye marbles and disks, and now I’m trying to find some kind of metal base so I can glue them to the base, and then screw the base to the doors. Suggestions?
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If you must have metal posts, here's a source with holes already drilled.
But I suggest you consider wood posts. You can make a stone-to-wood bond with epoxy which is every bit as strong as stone-to-metal. You can drill and tap hardwood for the usual 8-32 machine screw, and it will be very strong. If you don't believe me, tap a hole into hardwood (face grain, not end grain), and run an 8-32 screw into it a half inch or so. Use a claw hammer to try to pull it out. You'll find it does not come out.
Edited 1/11/2009 12:24 am ET by Jamie_Buxton,46742,44007&ap=1
These look like they would be the easiest to work with. The mandrel would let you reshape the lip or cavity to suit the stones if need be.
Those aluminum stand-offs are cool! However, probably overkill for this use. I can't get the Lee-Valley website to bring up the link that QC Inspector posted - it just brings up an index page - can you give me a search path to follow to get to the item you are referring to?
Veritas brass insert knobs (for the search box).
Series starts with number 05E01.01 (for the jump to item box).
What is your countertop? I did a kitchen where the owner found a company that takes the granite countertop waste pieces and makes knobs from them. I could find the name if you are really interested.
Cool idea, but the countertop is going to be fossil brown marble, and it is quite variable in color with the fossils in white, the background of mud brown, and then these wild streaks of dark red, I don't think you could make two knobs that would match out of the left-overs.... Tigers-eye is more consistent, well, some of the time.... I also bet the company would charge more for the custom made knobs than the original company I linked to....
Off to go search through the other site again!
I recently turned some bosses out of ebony for some hand made ceramic mosiac knobs and tapped them successfully as suggested above as I could not find anything that suited the client.I washed the ebony with acetone and used west system epoxy to secure the ceramic to the wood.The client felt that the LV offerings looked very Amerock and lacked elegance
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