Lacquer finish. Scrape and finish or Sealer/sand/finish or it doesn’t matter?
I like finishing with lacquer and I’ve come to appreciate the depth and chatoyance you get from sanding sealer prior to the lacquer. I make projects with nicely figured walnut, maple etc. I’ve read that scraping before finishing can give a nice finish as well. Is it 6 of 1 half dozen of the other or do you prefer one or the other when topping with lacquer?
Make some sample boards. Only way to know what you like.
Sanding packs sawdust into the grain and can reduce clarity in figure. Scraping or planing refine the surface w/o the dust. As JC2 says, samples are the way to judge.
I’m still trying to figure out why McLaughlin hand planes then sands before sealing or going straight to a tung/lacquer finish.
He has Tersa blades on his jointer and planer too.